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Playing to 300

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You are playing hand 1 of 12.

Dealer deals 1 card.

Players: Dealer Left Across Right Total
Score: 0 0 0 0
Bid: 0
Tricks Won: 0

Dealer deals.

Players: Dealer Left Across Right Total
Score: 0 0 0 0
Bid: 0
Tricks Won: 0

Dealer deals.

Players: Dealer Left Across Right Total
Score: 0 0 0 0
Grace Cards Won: 0
Special Cards Won: 0
Basic Rules of Illuminate
Scoring Rules

Scoring is different in the hands where either 6 or 12 cards are dealt.

N = Number of cards dealt
B = Number of tricks bid
W = Number of tricks actually won

In hands with either 6 or 12 cards

B = # of Tricks Expected W = # of Tricks Actually Won # of Points Added to Score
B = 0 (nothing) W 2xN - 2xW
B = N (all) N This player: 2xN, All other players: 0
Not N 0

In all other hands

B = # of Tricks Expected W = # of Tricks Actually Won # of Points Added to Score
B B B + 2
Not B 0
Basic Rules of Grace
Scoring Rules

B = Number of tricks bid
W = Number of tricks actually won

W < B Add 0
W = B Add Bx10
W > B Add Bx10 + (W-B)
Basic Rules of Mercy
Scoring Rules

Scoring is determined at the end of each hand.